In this episode we continue the discussion we kicked off last week about forgiveness and our emotions. What do I do when someone has wronged me and they aren’t sorry? What do I do when I want reconciliation and peace but it isn’t happening? Self-control includes emotional control, and none of us are born with perfect wisdom on this topic. Our hearts can so easily deceive us, so let’s talk about what it means to have hearts that glorify God.

Episode Navigation

2:00 Help us with the website project!

5:57 Enjoy this excellent Greg Bahnsen quote.
7:42 Is God emotional?
13:25 What do I do with my pain if forgiveness and reconciliation can’t happen? 
24:00 What emotions are good and should be embraced?



  1. Janelle

    So good! Thank you ladies! We’ve so bought into the selfish idea that our feelings are everything— our true self.
    It’s interesting that my siblings and I were raised to be interesting and dismissive of our emotions by adults who lived in fear of the world and fear of doing the wrong thing. Life in the gospel – perfect love- casts or fear and teaches us to live joyfully in the truth.

    What was the music at the end?

  2. Ashley Lagana

    Oh ladies!! I can not express how much I needed this episode today and everyday!! Thank you!!

  3. Joshua Shemeta

    I’m a dude; this is one of the podcasts/resources I will be sharing with my fiancee/wife should God give me.


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