Part of being a human is being around other humans. And the problem with humans is that we are full of sin. We often have opportunity to forgive someone seventy-seven times a day. If you’ve ever heard that forgiveness is more “for you” than for the other person, boy do we have a show for you! Today we look at what the Bible actually has to say about forgiveness: who is it for? What is it for? And how do we do it?
Stick around after our discussion for some more bad voicemail transcriptions.
Check out this book on forgiveness for more study.
I just bought the book. I’ve never heard the idea of not forgiving someone who isn’t sorry. Jesus asked for forgiveness for those who crucified Him, because “they know not what they do”. There’s no indication that they were sorry. I guess I’m confused.
What of a family situation where you’re a caregiver for elderly parents, you cannot leave either financially & because they require care, there’s no option (or willingness) for outside help, the parent is regularly & severely verbally abusive and they outright refuse to apologize, repent, or even talk about it?
I am explicitly told, “I don’t want to talk about it / I don’t want to hear it from you.” I’ve begged, literally in tears to talk about/resolve things. I’m told I’m the one with the problem & they don’t want to talk about it. It’s like talking to a wall. This has been going on for 4 years.
I’m stuck here. They need to be cared for and I am the one most available. I get some other family help, but mainly weekends. The rest of the time it’s just me. There is no openness to outside help. There’s certainly no openness to an outside mediator like pastor/church leader. They would NEVER forgive ME for telling them!
Hopefully, this book will give direction because I am at a loss. I’ve been having stomach pains & I’m afraid I’m getting an ulcer.
Are you guys ever going to put the podcast on Spotify? 🙂