Artists reflect the worldview of the culture they live in. What passes as art or beauty tells you a lot about the society it comes from. With this in mind, we discuss a little art history, and a little bit of what it means to be creative in a way that reflects God and His creativity, even in our every day lives.  When it comes to the home, do we have a responsibility to make it aesthetically pleasing in any certain way? Join us!


1 Comment

  1. Beverly Schlomann

    I had to laugh at the hair dryer wind conversation. I lived in Douglas one Spring/Summer. I was pregnant and my son was about 9 months old. I washed diapers and hung them on the line. By the time I had hung the 24th diaper the first diaper was dry. It was fine until some red ants decided to build a hill next to my clothesline!


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