This week we look at feminism as it was between the late 80s and early 2000’s. It’s creeptastic how much that time period resembles ours, and how indebted current feminists must be to the work that began in the third wave. The third wave of feminism really believed that they could just social-justice the sin out of people. If you can just get people to think the right way—”right” tending to be whatever aligns with their political party—then bad things will stop happening to women. But we are Christians. And we should know better. Right?
Episode Navigation
2:30 The only discussion we plan on having about the whole Marie Kondo cleaning up thing, and here’s our ten cents on the minimalist movement.
5:51 We ruminate for a minute on what it means to get older.
10:40 Why is it hard to define the Third Wave of feminism, and what are some of its hallmarks?
17:15 Implicit bias, intersectionality, and how to look for oppressors.
26:00 What is Riot Grrrl culture? *very brief language warning*
29:27 The rise of the systemic oppression narrative and why it’s unbiblical.
33:09 The “sexual freedom” fight within the Third Wave, and what it has to do with us.
- Resources for Christian Women: Part 2 (and why I won't call myself a Feminist) - Journey With Ang - […] Feminism is Poison: Part 3 […]
You two are doing great work! Keep it up!
You seem to be having trouble with the puns at the beginning. You’re taking the ‘lady’ from the feminist malady, and putting the ‘ma’ (mother) back into lady…or something. 😛
Have you ever come across far-left feminists who identify themselves as Christians? I mean the REALLY far-left, like those who advocate for porn (so long as it is ‘ethically made’, whatever that means) and who believe that prostitution is totally fine? I once had a lecturer at my Bible College who was like this, at least in her private life. She never brought up anything bad in any of my classes, but I did some research on her and found some of the things that she believes through an old blog (where she openly admits to being bisexual and proud of it), and even a book that she had recently published – ‘Missionary Positions’. I haven’t read the book (as it costs money that I don’t have), but I believe that in it she argues that Christians have generally had the wrong idea about prostitution, and that their efforts to reach prostitutes are a form of neocolonialism (or something like that).
Any way, I found that semester very frustrating, because I wondered why my institution was hiring someone like that to teach there, and to teach a subject about communicating the Christian faith. I feel that someone like that might not be saved, but I am hesitant to actually make that call within myself and then confront someone about it. I’m not a particularly strong Christian in that sense, even though I would say that my faith is strong.
I was just wondering what your thoughts about that sort of thing would be.
In case you’re interested, the Bible College that I went to is Pentecostal, but I myself am part of a ‘Church of Christ’ Church. I have recently become very theologically ‘reformed’ thanks in no small part to James White. Dr. White made me passionate about good theology, whereas before it used to be a subject that I found to be very dry (even though I was studying theology at the time that I stumbled across Alpha and Omega Ministries). I think God’s sovereignty is a component which is often missing in Arminian theology; it is spoken about, but probably not celebrated in the same way that reformed folks do. Anyway, it is pretty cool to know that He really is in control!
Blessings to Sheologians, AOMin and Apologia from Australia!
Joy, do you maybe have pregnancy brain? ??
That is what I was thinking?!? ?