Our first episode was so deep and theologically focused, we forgot to introduce ourselves and say why we are doing this. So this pilot episode is actually our second episode, but listen to it first any way, because we explain who we are, why we are doing this, and why our Meyers-Briggs test results are actually meaningless.
Self-loathing birds. Love that! LOL
Sum, not to burst your bubble, but I’m an ENTP. 3% of the population and also rare for women…just saying ;).
I forgot to add that I’m loving the energy in this episode and how well you two play off eachother. It has the makings of a great cast. I’m with Summer. I’m looking forward to an episode where you disagree lol.
I’ve been watching/listening to James White’s videos for a while now, and I’ve started to get into Apologia as well. So that’s how I found my way here.
I love the idea of women talking about theology! (Great title, too.) I’ve never understood why it’s mostly men. I can’t stand some of the drivel that passes for “women’s bible studies” these days. I look forward to the show!
And yes, Joy has a fantastic radio voice! I was thinking the same thing and then Summer mentioned it.
I finally took one of those tests and came out INTJ. Whatever that means. I don’t put much stock in it either.
You two say “like” entirely too much….might want to tone that down. But, other than that love it?
Great podcast 🙂 I’ve been listening/watching to James white for a little under a year now, that’s how I came here 🙂
I noticed, towards the end, when you both were talking about the traits of your results and you’d mentioned they don’t apply to you both because you’re in Christ. But aren’t we constantly being sanctified, and not yet perfect yet? Just wanted to voice that 🙂 Great first episode!
Just started listening, I’m always on the lookout for a good theology/ church history podcast, out side of Ancient Faith Radio there really isn’t much that is well done. so I look forward to giving you all a try. I am another Women who loves to talk about Theology, I have a masters in theology and just had my second son so I don’t have a lot of time to keep up in my field. (history and development of Christians theology and philosophy). So I hope that this can fill that void a little bit, and look forward to exploring topics with you all. I had never heard of James White so I was really confused why you kept name dropping him instead of just saying dad, or my dad. it was just really weird.
Joy I too am sceptical of Personality tests, in fact i kinda think that the Meyers /Briggs test had kinda replaced Horoscopes in our society. my results always come out different, but part of that is because I can see through the test and manipulate the results. strangely enough I realized this by the multiple spiritual gifts tests that i took throughout college. So I tend to think both spiritual gifts and personality tests are pretty much bs.
keep up the good work till the next episode
God speed
Love the show! I’ve been listening to the current ones for awhile, but wanted to hear the first few episodes, and unfortunately the one that’s playing is actually the Pratty Pragmatism episode. It was a good one, but I was looking forward to hearing about Meyers-Briggs! Could you post the link to the MB episode somewhere? Thanks for all you guys do!