For the next several weeks we are going to discuss Wellness. By Wellness we mean Wellness, Inc. We mean the multi-billion dollar a year industry that is all of your social media feeds selling you supplements, diets, gym memberships, birth classes, and very often fear.
Since we are Christian, of course we care about stewarding what God has given us well. So how do we filter all of the information given us? How do we practically walk out our desire to steward well? Join us over the next five weeks as we discuss different popular areas in which Wellness, Inc. has tried to boss us around.
Episode Navigation
14:01 Joy explains what she means by “new age” and what it has to do with many wellness topics.
29:10 The pitfalls of feeling responsible to know everything about everything.
37:10 God is sovereign over your health and you are responsible to care for your health.
40:30 When it comes to nutrition, there is a lot of conflict about what is best – so how do you wade through it all?
Hi Summer and Joy,
Long time listener. Don’t know how long but pretty close to the beginning. First time commenter. I am 52 years old and enjoy just being in on a conversation with you guys about God and his direction. I want to thank you so much for this episode. We lost our 14 year-old daughter to a two week battle with leukemia and influenza. She died March 24, 2024 and entered the presence of her Savior. Praise God! I cannot tell you how many things I’ve heard recently on how our food is changed and our medicines and antibiotics that have increased cancer in our world and while that might be true, the reality is death came by sin. Thank you for reaffirming that in my mind as I seek to think truthfully every day and not add guilt that doesn’t belong there for somehow not feeding her well enough or giving her an antibiotic when she had an ear infection. I attend a small Bible believing church that has supported us so faithfully through this journey, but there are so many young moms there that are living in fear because of what the world is telling them is causing these kind of deaths. I’ll share this episode and series with my young mom friends to encourage them to trust the Lord as I also try to speak truth into their lives about God’s sovereignty.
While I’m rambling, Joy I’m so excited that you are having another precious baby. I’m always telling the young families around us have more children. Keep up the truth Tellin and encouragement to us women.
If you want to read Elliana Joy Carpenter CaringBridge journey just google her name on CaringBridge. We love her and miss her so much but know we will see her so soon.
Serving the faithful God,