2:50 Joy gets us in trouble by mentioning an Alfred Hitchcock movie
6:00 An unimportant side bar on how total depravity is real and sci-fi novels are ceasing to be sci-fi
8:40 Yes, it took us this long to touch on today’s topic of the Christianese phrase, “God told me”
12:45 The girls address “Jesus Calling” and some of the obvious problems with the book
14:50 What is “automatic writing” and can Christians engage in it?
17:50 If we get special revelation, can we hold to Sola Scriptura?
21:45 How has God given revelation and how should we view Scripture today?
23:00 So what’s up with the Holy Spirit in the middle of this conversation?
27:12 Can you legitimately say, “God told me”?
29:11 Summer is super basic and complains about the weather
20:20 Joy introduces our Feminist of the Week!