The last time Summer sat in on one of Dr. James White’s church history classes, she was about ten years old. It’s been twenty years, and it is much more exciting this time! 

The battle for Muenster is one of the craziest church history stories you may never have heard of (unless you listen to Dr. White, because he’s really been trying to get people to hear this crazy saga lately!). The story of the anabaptists and their siege of Muenster is a scenario where the real-life drama is truly stranger than fiction. You do not want to miss this!

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Listen to the whole thing. There’s a poison t-shirt. Why would you skip anything?



  1. Nory

    Why is there laughter when the story is gruesome and unfortunate? When I am so absorbed with the horror of the story, someone stupid laughs at the back ground. IS this a comedy show? Or is the story not that big of a deal? I’m confused and disappointed. There is SO MUCH NOISE and unnecesesary chatter in your podcasts. Sigh.

    • Laurel

      I concur! The obnoxious nervous giggling is distracting. Let’s get a grip and be careful when sensitive topics are being discussed…such as death of various and sundry types…
      Continue to grow in grace and be blessed as you share truth w this dying, desparate world!?

    • Otis

      Wow relax

    • Erics

      I thought exactly the same. Is chopping off people funny? Ruins what would have been a great story telling

    • Phil

      I have to be honest, I wonder how necessary your comment is? And I must ask, beloved, have you ever spoken with someone who’s lived such horror, maybe a person who’s been in war? Would you call their jokes about the gruesome reality they lived, not just heard about through their ears, a comedy show and disappointing? What Mark Oz jokes about his arm being almost completely blown off on September 12, 2012, or Kris Paronto does the same about the same event that took four Americans lives in Benghazi, will you tell them it’s disappointing? I understand wanting to acknowledge the seriousness of the content of the conversation, but lets remember we’re family, in Christ, and be gracious, and assuming the best not the worse of each other.

  2. Di

    I think this concept needs to be a spinoff podcast all its own! Love it!!

  3. Cara

    I really enjoyed this, I like the informal atmosphere and the mix of story telling and background comments. It’s a podcast not a lecture. I thank the three of you for engaging and teaching me. I felt like I was at your kitchen table talking over dinner! My knowledge of church history is poor but this really enthused me to learn more. More like this please!

  4. Titus 2 Man

    Really, really enjoyed this! I know it’s not exactly a funny story, but it was so well done by Summer’s dad and the girls. There is a lot of absurdity in what happened, and the humour really enhanced the story. As for who would play who in a movie, I could see Alan Rickman as Jan Mathhijs (unfortunately, he’s not available) and I think the obvious choice for Jan van Leiden would be Brad Pitt. However, if you want to be non-cisgender, how about Anne Hathaway? She’s got the nutter part down pat, at least 🙂

  5. Jonathan

    Very annoying. Go to you tube and listen to James White regarding Munster with mature people listening. It’s like a bunch of little kids in the room.. grow up!


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