A proper understanding of the trinity is often a dividing line between denominations. It is also a doctrine that is very, very easy to misconstrue, misunderstand, and improperly preach. None of this means that it is unimportant work to wade through, or something that we just can’t trust to be done rightly. Christians through the centuries have sought to help the church understand the trinity and honor God in so doing.
Today we are joined by two such men, both of whom have done extensive work on the topic. Summer’s dad, Dr. James White, and our good friend, Dr. Edward Dalcour, have traveled the world over to help Christians understand the doctrine of the trinity and confront error when necessary. So today we talk common trinitarian heresies, and how to be helpful when dealing with churches and people who have fallen into these errors.
I need so much help understanding this! I’m so confused…
Kim – Please try reading Dr. James White’s (Summer’s father) book mentioned in the podcast: THE FORGOTTEN TRINITY. There is much more on the Trinity out there now than there used to be, but Dr. White’s book is really a classic in explaining the Trinity!
My Father-in-law’s brother is Oneness. I took him to John 1:1 in the Greek last year. He said there’s no need to go to the Greek because the King James version is fine. Ummm awkward.
Blessings to you in Jesus’ name. I am oneness in belief, and i know that many oneness do not readily go to the greek in the presentation of the oneness doctrine. I however will refer to it, but only when the arguments posed to me by trinitarians, includes the use of the greek.
Of note with Jn 1:1, if the conjunction ‘and’ creates two persons of the ton theon and the theos, then it logically also presents two Gods, one God of the ton theon and another singular God of the theos.
This podcast was so timely! I am working on discussion questions for a fall book club in which we will be discussing D. Glenn Butner, Jr.’s book THE SON WHO LEARNED OBEDIENCE. I am addiing a link to your podcast in my discussion questions!
But Jesus was The Word in eternity past according to John. And became the Son in the incarnation. This was Walter Martin’s belief and it is still Trinitarian. What’s wrong with it other than rejecting the idea that his sonship came about in time?
I do not consider the trinity to be a biblical teaching, as it is a disguised form of three Gods, which is idolatry.
There are a number of verses of scripture, which expresses God’s unipersonality, even without the author’s use of the word ‘one’, where is it clearly understood to imply a unipersonal being, for example, the title which the Father alone has, God the Father, is where God is given a single-personhood identity to be the Father. One can also logically argue the point, that the God who was manifested in flesh as a man, is one, and where this oneness of his, even though it speaks of a unity, is not in reference to a family unity, but rather to a solitary unity, where this single-personhood is not divided against himself.
The word heis, which is a word for unity, CAN ne applied to one person, where his being is a unified composition of divine attributes, and where we see that the authors at times, shows preference to expressing God as a unity of attrubutes, instead of expressing his single person oneness, which is automatically understood by the early church.
My challenge to Dr. Edward Dalcour and Dr. James White, is for them to show why the word for one, heis, which speaks of a composite one, cannot be applied to a single personhood, if that is the position they take concerning the NT use of that word. Is the God who took on flesh, one, in terms of one God and not only one person?
I await a response to the email address i will provide.
I have never see so many anti-Trinitarians on Christian TV/radio. I guess as “long s the check clears the bank”, almost anyone can air on Christian networks. I know a number of ONENESS pastors, professors who have graduated from well-known, Evangelical Seminaries. How an anti-Trinitarian graduates from a Trinitarian Evangelical Seminary, is beyond me.
Dalcour claims to be a tutor/lecturer at Greenwich School of Theology in London. There is no such place!
You just need to open up your comp and hit “search” for the school–much info is accessible. I have a few friends who went there. But I believe after almost 30 years or so – being a high credible school, with high note “real” accreditation, offering BA, MA and PhD’s, they took a hit during the Covid lockdown. The school is closed, but it is suppose to reopen. Currently the GST link does not open. Many other universities are connected with GST. – Hope that helped you
Dalcour claims to be a tutor/lecturer at Greenwich School of Theology in London. There is no such place!