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2:14 Joy proposes mopeds that can travel in water
2:50 The girls geek out over how deep the ocean is
3:40 The girls are very tired. Are there aliens at the bottom of the ocean?
4:20 The girls announce where the first Sheologians tour is going to take place
6:48 Let’s talk about the Gospel of Nice and the thought police
8:00 The root of thought policing is—you guessed it!—sin
12:10 How can you tell if someone is bitter, and what role does the local church play in personal sanctification?
14:30 How does thought policing make one a liar?
16:15 Is it ever appropriate to mock the foolishness of the world?
28:15 What is our goal with Feminist of the Week?
30:19 Summer addresses the “dichotomy” of NT commands to be kind/meek/gentle, while also cursing those who preach a false Gospel
35:22 Summer does not feel empowered by the Feminist of the Week—an artist who thinks making historical men into women is….artsy?