Sometimes you hear about joyful Christians walking through difficult trials and you think, “That could never be me.” Or you meet Christians that are insanely upbeat all the time and you wonder if you’re doing it wrong.
It’s very possible to be positive in all the wrong ways. The Bible tells us to “rejoice” with eyes wide open that there is a lot that is not worth rejoicing over. So what does it actually look like to be joyful? How do we stay away from any sort of fake positive vibes and maintain a life of joyful obedience to God, even in our darkest of trials?
Thank you for this episode!
It made me think of another topic I’d LOVE for y’all to talk about!
Birth positivity movement.
Can we have labor without pain?
Is it wrong for us to teach pain in birth is a result of sin?
Should we change terms like labor and contractions to reduce pain?
Can we really all just have home births if we thought positively about it?
Is the conversation around labor in society the reason women have trouble in labor?
I heard so much from my obgyn about birth positivity. She said my first pregnancy went so well because I was happy about the baby. But I was happy about my second baby too, and God took him home in miscarriage.
I’d love if y’all talked about this.
Thank you for your ministry!
Praying for you both! ❤️
I had a home birth and I DEFINITELY felt the pain from the curse. It was still worth it. I asked my midwife about that very idea though and she said she had a client who showed no pain during the birth, but in the postpartum appointments, she showed signs of PTSD. She thinks that may have happened because her client had that expectation in her mind. Her advice to me was to be honest about the pain.
This was my first time listening to this podcast, and I really appreciated the topic. I grew up in a time when people were much more forthright, and I have been perplexed at how people today mistake avoidance of conflict with peacemaking. My husband is a chaplain, so I am primarily speaking about people in the church, including myself. I am conflicted a lot of times because I really feel someone should be confronted, but I know I would end up being branded a troublemaker. I am really trying to overcome these thoughts and feelings and abide by what the scripture says about it.