Common postmodern refrains:
“I like my pets more than people.”
“That misogynist told me to smile!”
In this episode we discuss why these standard attitudes are the opposite of a Christian disposition. Generally being pleasant to be around because you are living in the joy of the Lord is a Christian duty.
But what is being pleasant anyway? How do we know if we are being pleasant? Let’s chat!
Per the discussion on physical photos, I recommend getting the Shutterfly app. They have FREE prints from their app (just pay shipping) and really good deals on larger photos, photo books, calendars, etc. You can have them shipped to you or you can have the pictures printed in-store and pick them up the same day (Walgreens will print photos from the Shutterfly app in under 2 hours). I keep physical photo albums because of this reason. I don’t trust Google or the Cloud to store my photos forever and I want physical photos of my family/friends. I have a Google Pixel 3a but I know on newer editions of that phone you have to pay a monthly fee for the Google Photos to store your photos. We’ll see more of that in the future–monthly fees for storage. All that said, I highly recommend Shutterfly. It could also be a good family activity to build photo albums. Give it a try!
There’s a SHE and a HER in preparation: prepHERaSHEion. There’s always a she if you force it.