The Bible has a lot to say about how we should present ourselves, and most of it has to do with our character. But God has not been silent on the issue of modesty. Since we started this show, we have had so many women ask us to discuss what the Bible has to say about how we dress. To be honest, the last thing we want to do is create an episode someone can share with someone whose skirt is never long enough in order to land some conviction. And do we honestly need to talk to y’all about leggings? We don’t mind, however, quickly sharing with you a few things the Bible has to say about modesty.
Episode Navigation
In the beginning: We chat a lot about hospitality.
Toward the end: Modesty. Does the Bible address it?
- Podcasts for Christian Women - that Tackle the Big Questions » Chicken Scratch Diaries - […] within the church and beyond, including a critical review of the Enneagram, prosperity gospel, modesty and […]
Regarding hospitality…as you were talking, a sermon that my husband preached recently came to mind. When God called Moses to lead the children of Israel, Moses came up with ALL kinds of excuses of why he wasn’t gifted enough to do it. More accuratly, he was telling God he wasn’t gifted enough to do what God was asking; or saying God you are not powerful enough or faithful enough to help me to do what you are asking me to do. So God brought in Aaron as the mouth. What blessings did Moses miss out on? Of course God knew Moses couldn’t do it on his own. God was going to help Moses. God wanted to show himself, but Moses refused.
So my take away is to be aware of what God may be asking me to do (convicting me to do?) and have the faith to move ahead and take an initial step toward obedience. I feel it is easy to over think something to the point of justifying why I’m choosing not to do it. Trust & Obey is more than an old song from the hymn book. 🙂 It’s a good mantra for me.
Our issue with hospitality may not be that different from anything else; ie, we allow the culture to define this term that should be defined by Scripture. We watch these TV shows that tell us that hospitality is about perfectly looking food, perfectly pretty house, perfectly planned activities, etc. However, hospitality is truly about using your home as a place where weary souls find rest. We don’t have a lot of examples in Scripture, but the ones we do have never emphasize how the house looked or how the food tasted. When our Women’s Ministry studied discipling we went through portions of the books, Spiritual Mothering and True Woman by Susan Hunt, and it truly helped to change the way we saw and practiced hospitality.
I think this episode might be titled “What does the Bible say about hospitality?” And on that theme, it was very helpful and good!
A verse was read on modesty without any commentary given. The verse is true. I understand the ladies didn’t want to get on a topic that people might use inappropriately. I’m not sure why the title was given to this podcast, but as a first introduction to this ministry, I really appreciated your perspective on hospitality,
I agree. I listened because I am trying to teach modesty to teenagers and this episode was not what I thought it would be.
Hello! I very much enjoyed your chat about hospitality. So thank you for the encouragement!
I would love to hear another chat centered around modesty. I think many Christian sisters know they are called to be modest, but so many other ideas of what is beautiful and acceptable have been thrown at us our entire lives (even from inside the church) it still feels muddy.
Recently, I moved to Hawaii from California. On the mainland I think you would have been hard-pressed to find a gospel-centered Pastor’s wife in a bikini at a swim party or at the beach. Here it’s totally the norm! In fact, one pieces are looked down on as uncomfortable and impractical. I’ve heard a few Christian Pastors says that modesty is just different here and it’s a culture thing. Many Christian women I have met, who I would hope would take Titus 2:9 seriously, are basically uncovered at the beach. Do you see modesty as a culturally-fluid concept?
Morality, if defined by the Almighty, cannot bend to culture. Modesty in dress, speech, thought, and deed are to the glory of God.
I appreciated this episode but it should be changed to a hospitality theme. I was really excited to hear thoughts on modesty, especially because it’s something I struggle with, but was disappointed when there was barely five minutes on it :/
But still awesome episode, nonetheless.
Agree, I would change the name of this episode.
I’ve recently found Sheologians and am working my way through the archives. So just now listening to this. You Ladies should read Fatal Invention by Dorothy Roberts. You will totally feel justified in your concern about DNA databases!