If you’re not new around here, you know that we do not buy into the myth of neutrality, and this includes decision-making. Sure, you don’t necessarily need to pray about whether or not to get Taco Bell or Filiberto’s on your drive home (Augustine famously said, “Love God and do whatever you please”), but even these moments are ultimately not neutral. In this episode we think about what it means to surrender all of our decisions to the Lord and what it looks like if they require repentance.
After that, Joy brought a Feminist of the Week that was really a doozy. Join us!
CBR stands for Comic Book Resources. CBR.com used to be mainly about sharing information on comic books, but now it is about sharing nerd culture in general. I’ve seen some of thier content and yeah, they’re definitely just a pop culture propaganda house.
What song is at the end of the newest podcast?!
⛱. Love the show!