To be “egalitarian” is to simply believe that all humans are equal in value, and should have access to the same opportunities. Of course, as Christians, with some nuance, we can agree with that. All of us are made in God’s image and are equal in value and worth! But as Christians, we also know that we cannot be egalitarian when it comes to how men and women should function in society, in the family, or in the church, because God has spoken. He has designed His world to function in a certain way, and it is for our good! Do you believe that? Do you believe that our Father in Heaven has purposed you specifically to work in a certain way to advance His kingdom?
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It’s one of our shorter episodes, you got this.
I was just wondering if when you are saying women teaching does that also refer to things like Sunday School Teachers as well?
“Sunday school” is not a part of commanded worship by God in the New Testament. That said, I am not against Sunday school and learned a lot growing up in Sunday school! Many of my Sunday school teachers growing up were women that I am extremely thankful for. I don’t think it would be appropriate for a female to teach grown men in a Sunday school environment, though.
What do you make of Priscilla teaching Apollos?
A job well done!
I noticed you didn’t mention the verses that talked about women receiving salvation through childbirth. I totally understand the decision because it destroys your “This is a clear passage” narrative.
I would respond to this, but it doesn’t mean anything.
I agree with you in regards to women teaching, and even teaching “in the church”. I have no problem with sunday school teaching.
I think it is just any preaching of the Gospel that is to be done “with power and authority”, as in from the Pulpit, and especially as regards making statements and teachings that are going to be made “in the name” of the Church, or have the public endorsement of the Church, or that the Church will be held responsible for.
So, good stuff that was. I shall listen to more as I have time. Any chance that you guys have transcripts?
So you agree that weman on there wedding night should they not be vegans they should be publicly stoned to death because thats a rule for weman in the Bible along with always being ready for sex and a lit of other evil rules for weman
“We’re here to put the ‘gal’ in Egalitarian “ 😂
Egalitarian is more than just gender inequality. Nobody talks about equality in wages or how society discriminates rich from poor.
The rich always have it going for them irrespective of their gender.
Just came across your podcast (this episode in particular.) I was as you are (complementarían). Only, difference is that I was part of a HEAVILY patriarchal & unhealthy church environment – I have since left that church. In my personal faith journey/deconstruction, I have since learned that the Bible has sadly been translated incorrectly – in regards to men & women’s roles in and out of the church. I personally have come to embrace the egalitarian view for this reason.
There is a podcast I highly recommend by a couple who both did doctoral research on the very topics you discuss in this episode. It’s called THE EDEN PODCAST. It was a total game changer in how I view God and the Bible.
Hope this helps. Lord bless