Do we really need another discussion about what women should or shouldn’t be doing? You bet! Although this issue is absolutely settled in Scripture, it has yet to be settled in our collective hearts.  We hope this week to be encouraging as we think through and share what our work is, what our priorities are, and why we love the topic of women and work so much!

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12:00 Joy introduces the topic, because it was her idea!



  1. Laurel Alvarado

    This podcast came to me at just the right time. I’m newly married, and moved to a town that’s an hour commute from my current job. I’m getting used to making my husband and my home my number one priority, and I’ve known I need to quit my job so I can actually do laundry and put semi healthy meals together, but its been difficult to actually go through with it, even with my husband supporting me in this. My loyalties haven’t been where they should be, and I fear letting people at work down more than I fear God, and want to help my husband. This was an extra encouragement on the day I handed in my 2 week notice. Thanks!

  2. Caleb

    Just wanted you to know that I saw you in a Founders Ministries video highlighting the pervasive “critical race theory”…”infestation”(?) in the evangelical church. Found what you said to be so incredibly spot on in regards to the destination of a woman conforming to the social construct of “a man”. I feel incredible responsibility and weight in my role as a God-fearing father and husband. It’s super encouraging to see women that take their roles in a Christ-focused family seriously, and find balance in home-work and work-work. Your conservative leaning, but still circumstantially aware and reasonable approach to this topic is excellent. God bless!


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