Intersectionality is poison. #MeToo is poison. Personhood theory is poison. These are the hallmarks of today’s feminist agenda. We have to ask ourselves if it is consistent. Can the feminism we see in America help women in other nations? What about countries where spousal rape is legal? Will the Women’s March and their pink hats change hearts and minds there? 

We are Christians, so we SHOULD know the answer to that question. We are Christians, so we should live in a different way. When we care about justice, it shouldn’t have the same impact that those who love wickedness leave in their wake. What is a Christian woman to do? Let’s chat.

Episode Navigation

00:30: Joy has impressive knowledge of original sci-fi novels.

6:57: None of this material is super new to our regular listeners, but it does lay a foundation for further discussion.

9:11: Why you have to understand intersectionality and Critical Theory, and a brief definition of both.

14:50: What is a current, intelligent feminist talking about?

17:30: Do feminist activists have anything valuable to say to women in other countries? Why do we argue so ardently against feminism?

22:43: What are some of the main issues within feminism today?

26:30: Why don’t we stand with the #MeToo movement?

35:30: The funny thing about the focus on “dignity” within feminism.

40:45: Why must Christians be opposed to feminism?

51:00: Here’s our encouragement for Christian women in the feminist dystopia we live in.

Potentially Pertinent:

Our episode about the #MeToo movement 

Intersectionality episodes, Part 1 and Part 2



  1. DiAndrea

    Thank you for this.

    I don’t know what else to day but that.

    I just want to be obedient to the Lord.

  2. Kenneth Mick III

    Would you (both of you, or individually) argue that Christians should reject all ideologies that start from a secular or anti-theist premise, regardless of whatever true general revelation it may have?

  3. Kenneth Mick III

    Regarding your question as to whether, as a Christian, considering myself feminist has made me more Christlike, it has. In that it has made me more caring and considerate to others, has led me to identify more with the sufferings of others. And I have seen continual growth in the fruits of the Spirit. It was my growing conformity to Christ that in part led me to be comfortable with the label feminism.
    I don’t insist that others adopt that label for themselves, I just find that “feminist” is an accurate enough term for me, if I qualify it with “Christian” and “pro-life.”

  4. Kenneth Mick III

    Hi Summer and Joy! After listening to this podcast, it sounds like, to me, that you are recommending that Christians not associate with or use philosophy of pagan origin at all, regardless of whether or not it has generally revealed truth that can be gleaned from it. Is that a correct assumption? If so, how then would you deal with how Paul frequently quoted, and even appealed to, the pagan philosophies at his time, yet did not compromise on truth?

    Also, in answer to the question “does your feminism make you more Christ-like?”, yes, for me, personally, it does. And I came to accept the label, with qualifications, due to my growing conformity to Christ. I wouldn’t bind someone’s conscience and say that they must be “feminist”. And neither would I say that you must entirely reject many of the righteous goals of feminism just because it is mixed with pagan thought. The universal equality and priesthood of all believers, the condemnation of showing partiality, the danger of imposing worldly custom, thought, and behavior, including those regarding gender roles, on all believers as necessary to their godliness, the imperative to listen to, speak up for, care for, and socially include the marginalized, the evil of rape and sexual harassment; all these are sound, godly principles that I find reflected in feminism. My increasing sensitivity to the hurting in part led me to adopt the label of “feminist”, and since then I’ve only increased in my awareness of the suffering of others, and my need to be gracious, patient, and willing to listen. That’s my particular journey as I’ve studied Scripture, prayed, and engaged with the thoughts of the world to take them captive. I can’t speak for others, only me.

  5. Maya

    Hey Summer + Joy,

    Loving the podcasts, but the instruction at the end – “Call your pastor’s wife and ask how you can serve the church this week?” – um, I am struggling with church. Lots of different issues, cliques, a touch of heresy here and there, hyper-evangelism and a couple of cases of really unbiblical thoughtless behaviour from the pastor.
    I’ve learned so much about relying on God through the struggles, but I’m wondering at what point do you know when to leave (and I HATE leaving church – we’re in a small town, it’s not a case of going to a church 5 minutes drive the other way).
    I’m a home schooling mum of seven children and often tired/emotional. Growing quickly disillusioned with church in general………HELP!!

    • Summer Jaeger

      Hi Maya, welcome!

      If the church you’re in teaches heresy and the pastor does not behave biblically, it sounds like you aren’t in a church! The first step would be to find one that you can be a member of!


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