Ladies, if you read 50 Shades of Grey and are appalled with Trump’s words, your moral outrage is utter hypocrisy.
— Summer White (@SummrWrites) October 9, 2016
This post has 427 shares on Facebook thus far, so clearly I wasn’t alone in thinking this—but the 200+ Twitter notifications I got within the hour for saying such a thing let me know that, well, wretches gonna wretch. I’m still getting notifications and learning the lesson that Twitter is a desperately shallow place. Of the hundreds of replies, I’ve read maybe 20 (all of which say the same inane thing) and I find that when you don’t feed trolls, they get angry. Kinda like Gremlins, but less cute. I’m adding my favorite response so far, just for kicks, and because it will demonstrate the depth of thinking that comes from the world:
My response, if you’re wondering, was, “Thanks, you too!”
Anyway, the general tenor of the folks whose hackles were raised was that obviously I can’t tell the difference between “literature” and “reality”. Excuse me while I laugh, but if anyone thinks 50 Shades of Grey qualifies as literature, well, maybe that explains a lot. From what I’ve read, anyone who has graduated from the second grade would be able to keep up with the rigorous pace of 50 Shades, and if you’ve ever wanted to hurt someone or been consumed by petty emotions, you’ll be able to relate to the two main characters. So, may we just squash the notion that this series qualifies as literature right off the bat? Furthermore, if it doesn’t hit you that Donald Trump enjoys objectifying women and 50 Shades fans enjoy reading about the objectification of women in the name of “entertainment”, perhaps you’re a part of the culture that has allowed such a stand-up guy rise to political influence in the first place.
The second main objection from my adoring fans was that I don’t understand “consent”. In fact, there was an absolute obsession demonstrated with the fact that although the main character in 50 Shades only enters into sexual relationships with women if they center around abuse and pain, the women signing up for the abuse at least get to sign consent forms first. Here we must pause, and giggle. Isn’t it just like liberals to be obsessed with consent forms and paperwork? Just the other day I had to sign a mountain of paperwork for the government just to get something that was technically already mine (or was it?).
“Consent” is a holy grail for liberals. Remember last year when a woman diagnosed with “Body Integrity Identity Disorder” was allowed by her “sympathetic psychologist” to pour drain cleaner in her eyes and blind herself? The general lack of outcry and inability to make heads or tails of the gruesome situation makes sense, because it’s okay if people enter into harmful situations if they are consenting adults. Except they don’t just stop there, do they? We see stories all the time of children being allowed to physically harm their bodies by taking hormonal medication and worse in order to “switch genders”. Sure, pour drain cleaner in your eyes! Sure, let children disfigure themselves and take hormones that will destroy their bodies and do untold harm. At least they consented!
So, all the angry spilled out when I dared to touch the golden calf of “consent”. Liberals must defend their right to be profane and perverse you see, because there’s consent and because no one can boss me! It’s reminiscent of my three-year-old when I tell her she can’t eat 12 more cookies. “But I want to!” she says. Well, maybe she can eat 12 more cookies, but that wouldn’t make eating 12 more cookies a good thing. But now we’re getting into moral ideas, good vs. bad, and liberals have no category for this.
The lack of categories and zero objective standard could not have been made more clear in the Twitter-mess. One guy actually offered to “Vote Donald Trump and chill” with me (which was a rather repulsive play on “Netflix and chill”, to which myself and clearly every other woman he has made this offer to must reply with a resounding, “No, never!”). Pointing out the hypocrisy of delighting in a story of sexual abuse and feigning outrage at a man discussing sexual abuse does not mean I will be voting for Trump. It hurt me so badly to write that sentence and have to explain that. I’ve actually deleted it a few times and re-written it. Truly. What is even happening here?
Trump is disgusting. The fact that he’s an adulterer and has had such serious association with Playboy should have alerted the entire universe to this WELL before that audio was released. There’s simply zero excuse for being a Trump supporter. The man is vile, plain and simple, and the disgusting things we were unfortunately privy to hear this week should not have shocked a single person, except to incite righteous indignation. He’s an adulterer. We already knew he was perverse. It was well-documented long before this.
Now that the obvious is out of the way, let’s play ball.
Once upon a time, a woman wrote a story about an older gentleman who wanted to beat, whip, and sexually assault a younger girl. The liberals loved it. Couldn’t get enough of it. You see, it involved a consent form, and there’s hardly nothing more liberals love than mountains of extraneous paperwork. Sure, the main character was never interested in commitment (remind you of Trump at all?), only viewed sexual relationships as a means of physical pleasure (remind you of Trump at all?), treated women like objects (remind you of Trump at all?), and was only interested in perverting a gift from God to married couples into some kind of weird play (remind you of what Playboy stands for at all?).
It does not escape me that the same people claiming I’m the stupidest person they have ever come across are the same people that are dense enough to believe that if one points out the general filthiness of 50 Shades of Grey and it’s fans in this situation, they must like Trump. Perhaps they know I won’t be voting for Hilary, as if that means I support Trump. These are the fools that got us into this awful mess in the first place—the mess where only two candidates have a chance, and both are completely despicable. It’s ironic that most of the country believes they must choose the lesser of two evils, but none of them even know how to judge “evil” to begin with.
Liberals, atheists, and even “Christians” have so missed the boat that they will honestly argue that this story of sexual abuse for entertainment is okay, because paperwork was involved. Worse, some of my Gremlins tried to argue that being entertained by a sexual abuse story is okay, because it’s imaginary. If it actually happened, that would be different. This is like men who scour the bowels of the internet for the most perverse pornography they can find and think it’s okay because at least they aren’t physically doing anything wrong to women.
This is where myself and the liberals must part ways, because I have an objective standard by which to say that delighting in evil is wrong, even if you aren’t physically engaging in that evil. Yes, thinking on evil and finding it entertaining is wrong. Engaging in evil is also wrong. But naturally, if you believe that we are all just apes on ego trips, the evil that goes on in your head is totally fine. Of course you can’t draw a line from mentally being entertained by evil to actually doing evil when we are all just stardust bumping in to stardust. The culture becomes the standard and whatever culture says is good or bad becomes the ultimate authority. The problem with this is legion, but most obviously if we take a look back at history, there have been many times that culture said something was okay, and it wasn’t. There have been many times when laws protected evil and made it normative for society (the obvious examples being slavery, the Holocaust of the Jews, and our current Holocaust in the womb).
So, I get it, myself and half of Twitter will never agree. Trump gives us plenty of reason to be morally outraged, but a country as entertained by smut as much as ours is can only feign moral superiority when things like this happen. And those who reject God’s authority will continue to blow about on the breeze and hang on to whatever standard society gives them, which, looking back on history, is a terrifying thing.
Beautifully written!
Man Summer you hit the nail on the head! It’s always encouraging when you find someone else speaking truth when it seems like no one else is. Remember Romans 1. Thank you and don’t stop.
I so love you❣❣ We share the same sentiments. You are not stupid, most get angry because they’ve thrown their brain and conscious to the wind a long time ago. They’ve done so to consume themselves upon their own lusts and to devour whatever society seems okay. So when they’re challenged or called out the only thing they can do is revolt and revile.
The whole time I kept thinking , “Summer is the next Matt Walsh”. Love what you’re doing here. Praying also, Keep it up!
Thank you for saying it like it is.
“There’s simply zero excuse for being a Trump supporter.”
Thank you for speaking the Truth!
Do they believe that God will ask for a signed consent form before anyone goes to the lake of fire???
“naturally, if you believe that we are all just apes on ego trips, the evil that goes on in your head is totally fine. ”
I want a T-Shirt with this phrase.
Kind of sad that you’re borrowing logic from the Trump campaign.
Kind of sad that you missed the whole point. 🙂
Your point is that if someone enjoyed a work of fiction once, they lose the ability to condemn a real person for boasting about assaulting women. I understood it, and as a Christian who has read Harry Potter without becoming a Wiccan, I thought it was a little ridiculous.
People seem to think that this statement has anything to do with equivocation of fiction and real life. It does not. Read the blog that was written, deal with what’s actually being said, or go elsewhere. 🙂
The point is, a culture as obsessed with sexual perversion as ours is hardly has any moral fortitude to begin with. And frankly, the shock and outrage displayed by people so obsessed with smut (like 50 Shades) is laughable.
I read your piece. I think there are some interesting ideas in it (and I agree that 50 Shades is poorly written), but I think the logic of your main point is messy.
If a person were truly in favor of committing acts of violence against women, then their outrage over Trump’s comments would be laughable. However, I think you’re conflating a person reading 50 Shades with their approval of the male protagonist’s worldview. That doesn’t necessarily follow. I can read detective novels and be outraged at an actual murder. I can read Shakespeare’s King Lear and still know that incest is wrong. All good stories require moral dilemmas, sometimes even salacious ones. That doesn’t make the reader complicit in everything the characters do or say.
I agree with everything you said. The difference is that the evil the main character in 50 Shades engages in is applauded by liberals, not reprimanded.
What a dummy. Your argument is so flawed and so full of name calling. This is such a stretch of the imagination. Go back to having children while educated people are actually making changes in the world. Sit down.
So your position is that only the uneducated have children?
How very medieval of you.
I think “liberals” and “applauded” need to be defined in order for your point to have any meaning. Which liberals, specifically? How did they applaud it? The problem with your generalization, is that it requires us to imagine an organized, monolithic response to the book, from a unified group of individuals.
You don’t think the millions of copies sold and the movie doing so well was a form of applause from a large group of individuals?
This just goes back to my original point: you can’t equate consuming media with applauding a character’s worldview. I enjoyed Breaking Bad but don’t condone the sale of meth.
Keep it up Champ! I know it can be frustrating that such a large number of people can’t think in categories (the fruit of public education and debased minds), such as seeing your point that “50 Shades” was embraced, not just for it’s entertainment value (which come on, are you serious? entertainment value?), but that it was lauded for it’s portrayal of total sexual anarchy. This is far different than enjoying “Breaking Bad” because the series did not glorify the meth industrusty in the minds of the public, it actually tended towards the opposite.
Your critics also fail to recognize that “50 shades” was a small example of a much larger point- that our culture utterly worships sexual perversion, pionting the compete hypocripsy of the same culture claiming moral outrage because a presidential nominee made perverted sexual comments. The Donald and Hillary are kings made in their own image.
Nick, The two characters in 50 Shades break up because of the male character’s BDSM obsession. That doesn’t seem like a “glorification” of BDSM. Also, where and by whom was 50 Shades lauded for its’ sexual anarchy?
Dang, girl, you are good! Just discovered your blog, can’t wait to read on!
Thanks so much for this article!
The only reason they write or make movies about that kind of garbage is because it’s what the people want. If that book had been written anytime before the last 50 years it would not have made it very far at least in this country. I have not read 50 shades but I did read Harry Potter and I was one of those people lined up to get it. Now I see the sin in it and how maybe it was fiction but it opened up many doors to real people getting a kick out of real demonic things. It’s now mandatory for public school children to read it along with finding their inner spirit guide.
(Hypothetical) if Jesus were here would any of you say here you should read this book it’s really entertaining or you should come watch this t.v. show with me it’s not really supporting the sale of drugs it’s fictional.
Read Ephesians 5 that’s should shed some light on the subject.
If we are walking in the light why are we defending the evil of this world? And no I am not saying that I am perfect in any of it either just a point.
Awsome job Summer!
“It’s ironic that most of the country believes they must choose the lesser of two evils, but none of them even know how to judge “evil” to begin with.”
That is a great point. I’ve been dealing with people saying that to me a lot. But I always say back… “As Christians, should we choose evil at all?”
But I never thought about the fact that most people don’t even know what evil is…. Like taking pleasure in 50 Shades of Grey for example.
Great article! Thanks for the hard work!
“This is where myself and the liberals must part ways, because I have an objective standard by which to say that delighting in evil is wrong, even if you aren’t physically engaging in that evil.”
Liberals have never said or alluded to that. Please stop putting (incorrect) words in their mouths.
You missed the point. The point is I have an objective standard to draw from (Scripture) and those who deny Scripture do not.